Writing (and ReWriting) History Poetry
How does one define history? History may be local and personal; we all know unique stories and local lore that contributes to the larger historical record. Drawing on our own sources, as well as historical records, this class uses a process approach to help bring historical figures and events to life through poetry. This workshop is also ideal for those interested in memoir.
My mind escapes a thousand things, like dates of wars and deaths of kings.
—Rudyard Kiling
Types of Instruction
Workshop: single or multiple sessions which may include instruction, writing exercises, and revision.
Class: single or multiple sessions with instruction, writing exercises, revision, and feedback.
Course: multiple session learning experience over time with direct instruction, writing exercises, revision, and feedback.
Launch and early facilitation of a Writers Group, a round table gathering of writers to share each other's writing and offer and receive feedback.
For more information, email valerie.lwason[at]maine.edu