Ekphrastic Poetry

Ekphrastic poetry is written in response to works of art or music and can range from close description of the work to impressions, history, the artist, material, or subject. In this workshop participants will explore examples of ekphrastic poems by writers like W.H. Auden, X J Kennedy, and Marianne Moore among others. This workshop can include viewing artworks in a gallery or museum, artists at work in their studios, or live performances of music and theater.
Types of Instruction
Workshop: single or multiple sessions which may include instruction, writing exercises, and revision.
Class: single or multiple sessions with instruction, writing exercises, revision, and feedback.
Course: multiple session learning experience over time with direct instruction, writing exercises, revision, and feedback.
Launch and early facilitation of a Writers Group, a round table gathering of writers to share each other's writing and offer and receive feedback.
For more information, email valerie.lwason[at]maine.edu