Using Duotrope Submission Tracking Software

Submitting is hard work. It requires time and effort to do the research, select where you want to send your work, prepare the submission and get it out the door. If you engage in the business of writing, you will be sending out a lot of submissions. Creating a system to manage those submissions is vital. In this workshop, you will learn how to use Duotrope, a subscription-based service for writers that offers an extensive, searchable database of current fiction, poetry, and non-fiction markets, a calendar of upcoming deadlines, submissions trackers, and useful statistics compiled from millions of data points.
Types of Instruction
Workshop: single or multiple sessions which may include instruction, writing exercises, and revision.
Class: single or multiple sessions with instruction, writing exercises, revision, and feedback.
Course: multiple session learning experience over time with direct instruction, writing exercises, revision, and feedback.
Launch and early facilitation of a Writers Group, a round table gathering of writers to share each other's writing and offer and receive feedback.
For more information, email valerie.lwason[at]