Exploring Nature Poetry

Nature as a poet, an enthusiastic workingman, becomes more and more visible the farther and higher we go.
—John Muir
Bad nature poems are easy to write. Good nature poems make it look easy. In this class we will experience the natural world then drawing on examples from poets like Mary Oliver and Gray Snyder, explore what makes a good nature poem. Participants will learn tools and techniques to help craft their own nature poems.
Types of Instruction
Workshop: single or multiple sessions which may include instruction, writing exercises, and revision.
Class: single or multiple sessions with instruction, writing exercises, revision, and feedback.
Course: multiple session learning experience over time with direct instruction, writing exercises, revision, and feedback.
Launch and early facilitation of a Writers Group, a round table gathering of writers to share each other's writing and offer and receive feedback.
For more information, email valerie.lwason[at]maine.edu